Thursday, December 04, 2008

NEW WORK | I promise I can change, baby!

I promise I can change, baby! | Personal Work

One of two single panel gag cartoons I did for fun. The second one will get posted once I finish the colors.

• India ink on watercolor paper

• Initial sketch


Daniel Hertzberg said...

This is a nice piece, but more importantly, congratulations on all the great work and great assignments this past month Ryan. You did a ton! And they ALL look great!

Anonymous said...

The final looks great.

Im here to talk about your origanl sketch. its great. for diffrent reasons.

Its got that japanise ink wash feeling. minimal detail with punch.

Ryan Snook said...

Thanks a lot Daniel! Glad to hear that from a fellow illustrator.

Thanks Anonymous! The original sketch was done with a Pentel brush pen. I do a lot a quick doodles with it, mostly drawings of Dr. Doom or the Hulk while watching TV. I've also used it a few times to draw clouds on some recent assignments.

Martello said...

Hey - good lookiing stuff. Hope the 'promise to change' is not too close to home. And, Happy New Year.