The perfect kid (full page intro)| Washingtonian
I created 3 illustrations for an article on private schools for Michael Goesele and Thomas White at the Washingtonian. The opening full page illustration deals with the pressure to make the perfect kid, with perfect grades to get into the best private school. Michael suggested the idea of using a diamond based on a line in the first paragraph about a parent feeling as if he were raising a diamond, not a child. After a round of sketches and combining two ideas we had it.
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Admissions| Washingtonian
This one was about tough admissions at private high schools. Originally the sketch was based on a line in the article comparing the process to that of being at a Senate confirmation. Later we changed it to reflect more of an interrogation.
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The right fit| Washingtonian
Finally this one was about finding the right school for the right child.
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