Friday, November 06, 2009

NEW WORK | Bicycling Magazine

Fam Damily (full page) | Bicycling Magazine

Full page illustration and a quarter page illustration for a story about biking cross-country with your family.

• Sketches

Fam Damily | Bicycling Magazine

• Sketch

• Progress


pete ryan said...

looks great Ryan! Really fun images

Anonymous said...

Nice insight into the process with the palette and the computer and everything. The modern illustrator for sure.

Ryan Snook said...

Thanks Pete and person from the future!

Gus said...

this is awesome man.. 32 bit monster rules too! you got such a fresh style..

Ryan Snook said...

Thanks Adam!

jazzlamb said...

Love how you put up the process. I wish I could work photoshop like that!